About us
Manufactures of aerial rope (corde lisse) since 2012. Handmade elaboration of ropes for aerial acrobatics in circus.
We manufacture from our factory in the circus school CircoNove in Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Frope began to develop in 2012 in the city of Buenos Aires. There the acrobat Álvaro Fitinho, found the need to make his own rope because at that time in Argentina there were no stores that sold them. From that moment and with the help of a local artist, the manufacturing technique was changing and adapting to the materials available in each city where Álvaro Fitinho lived. Access to new materials and improvements in the manufacturing technique and access to a place where to establish his factory make it possible to get these aerial ropes. An aerial rope made by an acrobat for acrobats.
Currently our factory is in CircoNove, placed in Santiago de Compostela, a cultural association and Circus School in the center of Galicia (a spanish region in the northwest of the country). From here we manufacture and manage our orders to Europe and America.

Frope is managed and directed by Alvaro Reboredo “Fitinho”. Stage director and circus artist specialized in the aerial rope technique. He studied in several circus schools like Oreka Zirko Skola (Pamplona), Escuela de Circo CARAMPA (Madrid) or Circo Criollo (Buenos Aires). He is cofounder of the Cía iO and he worked recently in other companys like The Seven Finguers (Montreal) or Pistacatro (Santiago), with wich he remains linked in several projects.